Saturday, August 10, 2013

Getting There

Early Friday morning (August 9th), Nana drove us to SLC Airport for our flight to Atlanta, GA. That was the departure point for our flight to Barcelona where the Royal Princess would be taking us on our cruise of the Mediterranean. There was lots of excitement and anticipation when we got to the airport.

Chris, Ruslan and Pop departing Utah


Our 3-hour layover in Atlanta stretched until it got to be nearly five. Something about the plane wasn't right. We didn't hear anyone complain and ask that they just take off anyway. No taking chances on our airplane!

Yea...we really weren't sure for a while there


Arriving in Barcelona, the trip from the airport to the pier was quick and easy. We're all pretty weary from the red-eye we'd just completed, but there were lots of excited, cheerful folks on the bus who were very happy to anticipate being on this new cruise ship.

Cruise cards in hand...ready to board

Parked behind us was a Disney ship, "The Magic". There were at least 5 (!) other cruise ships all lined up together at the large set of piers in Barcelona.

Chris' shot from the rear of our ship

For Chris and Ruslan, it was kind of like something from a fantasy. The design of the Royal Princess really sets it apart from other ships. Pop was pretty amazed, too, and he's seen others of these.

Fountains and fake palm trees really jazz up one of the pool areas
Trying out the gym equipment
...and there is LOTS of it!



  1. Makes me think of WALLE.... All the exercise stuff lined up in endless rows. -S
