Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Friends and family,

I, Alisa, have hijacked the blog for just a minute to tell you that I have changed the comment setting.  Previously, only members of the blog could post a comment (which I think is only Dad/Pop).  Now anyone and everyone can comment.  However, all comments will be coming to me first for moderation.

Do comment because it will make it that much more fun for the two teenagers on board!

Love to you all,
Alisa :)

1 comment:

  1. Pisa, Rome, Florence can you believe you are there in person? Places that people usually only see in the history books. On top of that you get to meet new friends from all over the world. Best of all, you get to enjoy this with your grandfather. Please take good care of him, he is precious to me. With all of these experiences, you are getting to travel on the newest Princess ship, the Royal Princess. Wow!
    Love you tons,
