Saturday, August 17, 2013

Experiencing Present-day Istanbul

After a visit to the museums of Topkapi Palace where we saw treasures of gold and the famous Spoonmaker's Diamond (sorry, we couldn't take photos), we got a lunch break. All of us were up for the adventure of taking in some Turkish cuisine. Street cafes like the one we chose are so common and there's a hustle and bustle that only adds to the enjoyment. You can tell by the looks on their faces that Chris & Ruslan enjoyed their meal.

We went to a carpet factory where we were given a demonstration of carpet-making and then a display of their finest carpets. Of course, they were all for sale...but not ON sale. Prices were very high, but we had to admit that these Turkish carpets were almost works of art. Chris took them up on the offer to remove his shoes and walk around on them. He said they felt great!

Chris examines the quality of these Turkish carpets

Our final adventure was going to the Grand Bazaar. This place was huge! Our guide even warned us to take a picture of the entrance we were going in (there are several) so we could show someone inside the picture when we got lost (!) and they could direct us to the correct exit. There are hundreds and hundreds of shops, all under one gigantic roof, aisles branching off this way and that...all beginning to look the same after a while. You really CAN get lost. But we had Ruslan and his good sense of direction to get us back to our meeting point so we could take the bus back to our ship.

We're smiling, but we're not yet lost in the Grand Bazaar!
Chris & Ruslan examine an array of exotic spices


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