Monday, August 19, 2013

Chris' Blog of Athens

Hey all! This is Chris...yet again! :)


Pop asked me if I wanted to do another blog for today and I accepted. Athens, Greece was one of the places I had wanted to visit ever since I was younger... due to 2 things: 1. It was one of the 7 Wonders of the World, and 2. I love ancient history and Roman architecture was a big thing during that time. Here is a picture of a stadium that was built in the 4th century B.C. It is on the same site that they hosted the 1896 and 2004 Olympic Games. Also in the picture are our friends that we met during the cruise and tours. Here is the pic...

Olympic Stadium - Athens, Greece

Here is another one of us. Notice how handsome the one on the far right is. :)

Ruslan, Pop & Chris at the Olympic Stadium

The next place we went was the government house where we saw the changing of the guards. This was not an ancient site, but people wanted to see how the military acted. The two guards were replaced with 3 others. The men had to stand perfectly still for an hour at a time, then they would switch out again. When we took the pictures with them (which we will show at home), it didn't feel like we were standing next to a person. Go to the mall and stand next to one of the mannequins and then you'll see what I mean. :) Here is a pic of them switching out...

Changing of the Guards Ceremony

On our way up to the Parthenon at the Acropolis, we stopped and our guide told us about the theatre (which is right behind us in the pic). This "theatre" was actually used as a place where people would go and listen to musicians. The sound is so perfectly balanced that there was no need for speakers. Yanni played there a few years back. Now many musicians go and perform there. You can seat around 7,000-8,000 people in this theatre. Here is the picture.

Next to the theatre at the Acropolis in Athens

(Announcer Voice...) Now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all that are reading this, we now introduce our main attraction. Chris Morf... never mind.

Anyway, I finally got to the Parthenon! It was built with marble that was in a mountain miles away from the place that this fantastic building was being built. It took them a whole week to bring a piece of marble from the mountain. Now, when I say piece, I am meaning 3 1/2 - 4 foot tall, 8 foot wide piece of marble that weighed at least a couple tons. Lastly, to make things worse, they were using wood carts over horrible terrain. This huge, magnificent, one of the 7 Wonders of the World building took a total of 30 years of continuous labor. Now, you're probably wondering what was inside this huge temple. Well, I'll tell you. There was a statue of the Goddess Athena that was made out of ivory and pure gold plates. This statue was over 40 feet tall and had around 1,000 kg of gold on it.

I want to tell you now why the city is called Athens. The Greek people had such a strong belief in the Goddess Athena that they named the city after her. This is a picture of what is left of the Parthenon.

Chris admires the Parthenon

Here is another one of us in front of the Parthenon.

Three guys are finally at the Acropolis!

The last place we went was a HUGE market place. We were thankful for the nice drinks we got there after such a long hot day. :)

Yet another shopping experience

Well, that wraps it up for today's adventure and hope everything is well back in the blessed USA. :) See you all Thurs!



1 comment:

  1. It looks like you two are having such a great time!!!
    I can't wait to hear all of your exciting stories when you get back!!
    Greece looks sooooo cool!!! I love Athens and have always wanted to travel there!! You guys are soooo lucky!! Well......I miss you guys!!
    It's sooooo cool that you get to go to all of these amazing places!!
    That theatre looked awesome!! Did you get to try the sound in it??

    Hope you guys are safe!! See ya soon!!
    ~ Emily :)
