Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Chris' post about the Bizarre Bazaar and Nutella

This post is about the two best things on the planet: HUGE Nutella and the biggest place on the planet to spend all your money...(well the second one isn't that great...)

Anyway, we wrote about the Grand Bazaar before, but it is HUGE!!! We had extra photos we thought you might like to see. It had 4,000 shops and 69 different alleys that lead to places. If you want something, it is easily found in one of these shops. This place is located in Istanbul, Turkey. It was like being in a modern-day Labyrinth! Luckily Ruslan had a good memory and we found our way out. Below are some extra pics taken from just one spot!

Looking all four directions...
..from one aisle...
..to the next...
...and another!

We also found some big Nutella containers in Rome... the best thing on the planet.. besides me of course. :) Here is the pic of the huge containers.

A year's supply of Nutella! Yum!

Later 'yall!




  1. NUTELLA!!!! yummmmmyy!!! Did you fit one (or more) of those in your suitcase......to bring home.......to me.......the other ''best thing'' on the planet.....
    That looks like the coolest shopping center EVER!!!!

    ~ Emily

  2. So you bought one for my food storage right???? -Mom :)
